Jeannette Munro - photo illustration
April 17, 2024 VOL 26 NO 1

Jeannette Munro: A Woman Who Broke Boundaries

At a time when female physicians were rare and when many general practitioners questioned the necessity of specialists, Jeannette Munro, MD ’27, who earned her medical degree in the University of Wisconsin Medical School [now the UW School of Medicine and Public Health (SMPH)] Class of 1927, became the first pediatrician and first female physician in Princeton, New Jersey.[1]

Group of Headshots -Class Notes
Class Notes
April 17, 2024 VOL 26 NO 1

Class Notes and Alumni Updates From Pediatric Oncologists

Grace Bandow looks at a patient's eye with an illuminated magnifier
January 17, 2024 VOL 25 NO 4

International Perspective

A decade ago, Grace Bandow, MD ’01, had established a thriving dermatology practice in Rhode Island, but she was feeling a little restless — in search of a “fresh perspective,” as she puts it now. Like many Americans, she watched as a protest movement in Syria metastasized into a civil war. Television images, while horrifying, were little more than snapshots of a catastrophe that seemed to grow more brutal by the day.

Susan Cowles and her dog on a beach
Feature Story
January 17, 2024 VOL 25 NO 4

Helping a Patient Live with Rare Dysplasia

MD alumni
Class Notes
January 17, 2024 VOL 25 NO 4

Class Notes & Alumni Updates From Orthopedic Surgeons

A DPT instructor demonstrates palpation skills on student's shoulder in front of a class
Feature Story
October 23, 2023 VOL 25 NO 3

Far and Wide with Physical Therapy

Jeff Hartman, PT, DPT, MPH ’06, says he made the best professional decision of his career when he was a physical therapist practicing in Sierra Leone in 2004. He was one of only four licensed physical therapists there immediately after a brutal, 11-year civil war. The traumatized nation was under the control of United Nations peacekeepers at the time.

Elizabeth Salisbury-Afshar
Feature Story
October 23, 2023 VOL 25 NO 3

Preventive Medicine Residency: Training to Improve Wellness

While much has changed in the world of public health since the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health (SMPH) launched its Preventive Medicine Residency Program nearly a decade ago, the program’s commitment to training Wisconsin’s next generation of physicians has not wavered.

Almasi, Cramer, Laurence, and Hansen smiling in front of a painting.
October 23, 2023 VOL 25 NO 3

Supported by Soulmates: Medical School Friends Share Lifelong Connection

When four members of the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health (SMPH) Class of 2010 — Stephen Almasi, MD ’10 (PG ’13); Joseph Hansen, MD ’10; Vincent Laurence, MD ’10; and Rebecca Cramer, MD ’10, MPH — began their medical school journeys, they had amassed years of unique life experiences. An unassuming brick house on Kendall Avenue brought them together as lifelong friends.

Group of Headshots - Class Notes
Class Notes
October 23, 2023 VOL 25 NO 3

Class Notes & Alumni Updates From Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists

Ronald L. Numbers
In Memoriam
October 23, 2023 VOL 25 NO 3

In Memoriam: Ronald L, Numbers, Sandra L. Osborn, Lincoln F. Ramirez

A scholarship recipient smiling big with Linda and Thomas Kloosterboer
Impactful Giving
July 13, 2023 VOL 25 NO 2

Family of Badgers Creates Scholarship

With nine University of Wisconsin–Madison degrees in their family, Linda and Thomas Kloosterboer, MD ’82 (PG ’86), are grateful for their education and that of their adult children, who earned undergraduate degrees as Badgers.

MD alumni portraits class notes
Class Notes
July 13, 2023 VOL 25 NO 2

Class Notes – July 2023