Molly Carnes, Laurel Rice, and Susan Lederer
January 17, 2024 VOL 25 NO 4

Three Faculty Receive Lifetime Achievement Award

The Folkert O. Belzer Award is the highest honor the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health (SMPH) bestows upon its faculty members for their lifetime achievements.

Susan Cowles and her dog on a beach
Feature Story
January 17, 2024 VOL 25 NO 4

Helping a Patient Live with Rare Dysplasia

Paul M. Deluca
In Memoriam
January 17, 2024 VOL 25 NO 4

Goodbye Dear Friend: Paul M. DeLuca

A DPT instructor demonstrates palpation skills on student's shoulder in front of a class
Feature Story
October 23, 2023 VOL 25 NO 3

Far and Wide with Physical Therapy

Jeff Hartman, PT, DPT, MPH ’06, says he made the best professional decision of his career when he was a physical therapist practicing in Sierra Leone in 2004. He was one of only four licensed physical therapists there immediately after a brutal, 11-year civil war. The traumatized nation was under the control of United Nations peacekeepers at the time.

Anderla twins
Feature Story
July 13, 2023 VOL 25 NO 2

Improving Babies’ Quality of Life

When the Fetal Diagnosis and Treatment Center opened, Lobeck expected a slow, steady stream of new patients — but demand far outpaced anyone’s predictions.

Angela Byars-Winston
July 13, 2023 VOL 25 NO 2

The Science of Mentorship: Angela Byars-Winston

When Angela Byars-Winston, PhD, addressed a group of medical students and their mentors recently, she encouraged them to “grow where you are planted. We have to create the space we want to flourish in, that we want to thrive in.”

Hans W. Sollinger
In Memoriam
July 13, 2023 VOL 25 NO 2

In Memoriam: Hans W. Sollinger, Guillermo de Venecia, Merle A. Evenson

Goodbye dear friends: Hans W. Sollinger, Guillermo de Venecia, Merle A. Evenson

Chapman in discussion with other researchers
April 18, 2023 VOL 25 NO 1

Ed Chapman’s Tenacious Approach to the “Most Important” Problems in Biology

Ed Chapman concentrates on research questions that are big, bad, and basic. Many of them concern the release of neurotransmitters at the synapse — the tiny gap between two neurons.

Dean Golden presents Richard Moss with an award
Awards & Honors
January 13, 2023 VOL 24 NO 4

Richard Moss Receives Folkert Belzer Award for Lifetime Achievement

Looking back 43 years later, Moss uses the word “fortunate” to describe many aspects of his career.

A person putting on personal protective equipment
Feature Story
November 28, 2022 VOL 24 NO 3

Heroes of the Pandemic Share Their Experiences

Quarterly asked a sampling of UW School of Medicine and Public Health faculty members to share their experiences related to the novel coronavirus and its ramifications on individuals, families and communities.

Dawn Belt Davis
Feature Story
April 21, 2022 VOL 24 NO 1

Basic Science Discoveries Propel Advancements

The school's basic science departments are pivotal in educating graduate and post-doctoral trainees and conducting cutting-edge research.

Michelle Buelow
Awards & Honors
April 20, 2022 VOL 24 NO 1

Michelle Buelow Receives Max Fox Award

The annual award goes to a Wisconsin physician whose outstanding service as a preceptor has played an important role in the education of UW medical students.