American flag and organ donor flag blowing in the wind
Feature Story
July 15, 2016 VOL 18 NO 2

The Ethics of Transplantation

The annual Bioethics Symposium is often punctuated by profound anecdotes as local and national presenters discuss points that may challenge how society views issues of biomedical significance. Sponsored by the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health and the Department of Medical History and Bioethics, it brings together students, faculty and staff to explore topics from myriad angles.

Man and woman standing on front porch of house
Feature Story
April 15, 2016 VOL 18 NO 1

Promoting Health and Health Equity in Urban Wisconsin

In a central Milwaukee, Wisconsin, neighborhood landmarked by Jake’s Deli and the Northside YMCA, transformations are taking place.

Feature Story
January 15, 2016 VOL 18 NO 4

Advancing Health Equity

How can we best advance health and hasten health improvements for people who disproportionately suffer poor health outcomes? How can a lens of health equity influence decisions we make?