Students practicing a procedure using tools which simulate the circumstances
Feature Story
January 15, 2020 VOL 21 NO 3

Pathway Programs Guide Health Care Professionals From Underrepresented Populations

School leaders realize that increasing the number of underrepresented minority students in the health care workforce relies upon getting more students into educational pathways.

Kathryn Budzak
November 12, 2019 VOL 21 NO 3

Kathryn Budzak

Since medical school, Kathe Budzak has aimed to bolster the close-knit feeling among her classmates by writing letters and encouraging attendance at gatherings.

Medical students gathered in front of a teacher to listen
Feature Story
October 31, 2019 VOL 21 NO 3

Innovative Neurosurgery Teaching Techniques Benefit Patients

The Lincoln Ramirez Neurosurgery Operative Skills Laboratory, which opened in University Hospital’s K Tower in late 2018, is fulfilling its mission and already has been the source of about two dozen research papers.

Amy Kind
October 30, 2019 VOL 21 NO 3

Wisconsin Partnership Program: Balancing Our Goals and Responsibilities as a Funder

The success of the Partnership Program’s grant programs and ability to support innovative and exceptional work is based in part on its commitment to a robust review process.